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10 March 10, 23:23
See+You+Next+Tuesday - Intervals (2008)
Artist: See You Next Tuesday
Album: Intervals
Year: 2008
Style: Deathcore/Experimental/Grindcore/Mathcore
Country: USA
File size: 41.22 Мб
1. Nascence
2. In The End
3. The Life In Death
4. Eternity?
5. Alpha
6. She Once Said I Was Romantic
7. Daydreams
8. Nightmares
9. In The Beginning
10. Forever On Deaf Ears
11. Goodnight (Our Last Dance)
12. This Time The Keys Are Broken
13. Dedication To A New Era
14. One Of These Days
15. Omega
16. 11/22/07
17. January And On
10 March 10, 23:19
See+You+Next+Tuesday - Parasite (2007)
Artist: See You Next Tuesday
Album: Parasite
Year: 2007
Style: Deathcore/Experimental/Grindcore/Mathcore
Country: USA
File size: 29.96 MB
1. Baby, You Make Me Wish I Had Three Hands
2. Good Christians Don't Get Jiggy With It 'Til After Marriage
3. Honey, I've Never Had Sex That Wasn't Awkward
4. Before I Die I'm Gonna Fuck Me A Fish
5. Here, Take This Pill
6. How To Survive A Vicious Cock Fight
7. Paraphilia
8. Just Out Of Curiosity, Are Your Parents Siblings?
9. 8 Dead, 9 If You Count The Fetus
10. Man-Dude Vs. Dude-Brah (Where's The Party At?)
11. Let's Go Halvsies On A Bastard
12. A Portable Death Ray And A Sterile Claw Hammer
13. Pogonatrophy (Part One: The Hunter)
14. Pogonatrophy (Part Two: The Parasite)
10 March 10, 23:17
See+You+Next+Tuesday - This+Was+A+Tragedy+EP (2005)
Artist: See You Next Tuesday
Album: This Was A Tragedy EP
Year: 2005
Style: Deathcore/Experimental/Grindcore/Mathcore
Country: USA
File size: 13.85 MB
1. The Seduction Of Suzy Banyon
2. Wake Up Screaming
3. Shotgun Tracheotomy
4. Embers Of Our Love Burn With You
5. Seed Of Augusta
6. Eternal Sorrow In Salvation